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Madhyamik Physical Science Question paper 2019

Madhyamik Physical Science Question paper (English version)

Madhyamik Physical Science Question paper


Madhyamik, the Class 10 School leaving examination, is conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (W.B.B.S.E.) every year. The examination is held in the month of February 2019. Each paper started on each day from 11.45 A.M to 3.00 P.M

              Here is provided Physical Science question paper 2019. Full Marks is 90 for Regular candidates and 100 for the External Candidates. Time duration is Three Hours Fifteen Minutes.

Physical Science
(For Regular & External Candidates)
Time; Three Hours Fifteen Minutes
(First fifteen minutes for reading the question paper)

90 – For Regular Candidates
100 – For External Candidates

Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness & bad handwriting.

Only External candidates’ will answer Group E.

Figures in the margin indicate full marks for each question.

Group “A”
    1.     Multiple choice questions. Four alternatives are given as answer for each of  the following questions. Write the correct ones.   1x15= 15
       1.1  Which among the following gases absorb long wavelength infrared radiation emitted from the earth’s surface?

       (a)  N2    (b) O2  (c) CH4     (d) He

        1.2    At STP, 2.24 L is occupied by

     (a)  4.4 g CO2         (b) .64 g SO2        (c) 28g CO            (d) 16 g O2

        1.3  How many molecules of CO2 will be produced when 1 mole C reacts completely with 1 mole O2?

    (a)  6.022x1023       (b 1.806 x1024      (c) 6.022x1022      (d) 6.022x 1024

        1.4    For a solid, how many types of thermal expansion coefficients are there?

    (a)  one         (b) two        (c) three      (d) four

        1.5     Which one of the following has the highest wavelength?

    (a)  X-ray     (b) y-ray     (c) infrared ray     (d) ultraviolet ray    

1      1.6  In case of refraction, if the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction are 
              450   and 300 respectively, then the angle of deviation is

     (a)  750                   (b) 150         (c) 7.50        (d) 37.50

        1.7   Temperature remaining unchanged if the potential difference between two ends
                of a conductor is I, which of the following is true??

      (a)  V ἁ 1      (b) V ἁ 12    (c) V ἁ 1-1   (d) V ἁ 1-2

        1.8  The relation among electromotive force (V) word (w) and change (Q) is

     (a)  Q = WV           (b) Q= v/W2  (c) Q= V/W   (d) Q= W/V

        1.9 For the atom produced by β particle emission from a radioactive atom.

    (a)   Mass number increases              (b)atomic number increases

     (c) mass number decreases                  (d) atomic number decreases.

        1.10  To which group of the long periodic table do the halogen elements belong?

    (a)  Group 1           (b) group 16                   (c) group 17     (d) group 2

        1.11 Solid state of which of the following compounds is composed of ions?

     (a)  Sodium chloride        (b) hydrogen chloride     
      (c) naphthalene     (d) glucose

        1.12   Which of the following has the highest ability to conduct electricity?

       (a)  Pure water       (b) aqueous solution of sugar   
       (c) liquid hydrogen chloride     (d) aqueous solution of acetic acid.

         1.13   In the first step of fixation of nitrogen which of the following compounds 
                  is formed as a result of lightning?

       (a)  NO         (b) NO2       (c) N2O5                (d) HNO3

         1.14 Which of the following is the formula of bauxite, ore of aluminum?

       (a)  Al2O3     (b) Al2O3 H2O       (c) Al2O3 2H2O               (d) AlF3 3NaF

          1.15   Which of the following is the alkyl group containing two carbon atom?

       (a)  methyl    (b) ethyl      (c) propyl             (d) isopropyl


      2.     Answer the following questions. Alternative are to be noted.

Fill in the blanks;.

          2.1  Write down the unit of calorific value of fuel?                     1


         Does the temperature increases or decrease with increase in altitude in 
         the stratosphere.                            1

         2.2  Which radiation, coming from the sun, is prevented by the ozone layer 
                from falling on the earth’s surface?               1

         2.3   State whether the following statement is true or false:

The volume of gas molecules is taken into consideration in Avogadro’s law.

        2.4 The product of volume and pressure of how many gram of N gas is 224 
               litre atmospheres at STP?        1  

        2.5   State whether the following statement is true of false.

The constituent particles of a material change position during conduction of
 heat through it.  1


The width and the cross section of a conductor remaining unchanged, 
what is the  relation between the thermal resistance and thermal conductivity 
of that conductor?

        2.6    What will be the angle of incidence when a ray of light passes through the 
               centre of curvature of a concave mirror?             1

        2.7   How many rectangular surfaces are there in a prism?  1

        2.8 Give an example of semiconductor.  1

       2.9  A thin wire and a thick wire of the same conducting material have the 
                same length. Which one of them will carry more current when connected to 
                the same potential difference.   1

       2.10    Mention one misuse of nuclear fission reaction.   1


Which law explains the release of huge amount of energy in nuclear fusion?      1

       2.11   Match the following right column with left column.  1x4=4

Oxide layer protects from attack by water vapour.
Group 1 element of the long periodic table having the least reducing property
When the metal remains exposed to air, the metal slowly develops green patches on its surface.
Group 2 element of the long periodic table having the least atomic radius

      2.12    Draw the Lewis dot structure of N2 molecule (atomic number of N is 7)    1

      2.13   Which kind of electricity is used in electrolysis?            1

        Write down the cathode reaction in the electrolysis of acidulated water using 
         platinum electrodes.                 1
     2.14  In electroplating gold on brass, what is the electrolyte used?           1

    2.15   What colour is formed in the reaction of ammonia with Nessler’s reagent?                  1

    2.16  Write down the formula of the precipitate formed when H2S gas is passed through an aqueous solution of silver nitrate. 1


        Write the name of the compound which is formed by the reaction of nitrogen 
        with magnesium metal at a high  temperature.

       2.17 What is the value of H –C-H bond angle in methane?   1


                   Write the IUPAX name of CH3CH2COOH.

       2.18 What is the industrial source of CNG?

Group C

       3.     Answer the following questions                                   2x9=18

         3.1  What is the concept of sustainable development?                   2

         3.2 1g of a gas at 70C and 2 atmosphere pressure occupies a volume of 410 m.l. 
                determine the molar mass of the gas. (R= 0.082 litre atmosphere mole-1 K-1)    2


          A fixed mass of gas occupies a volume of 273 cm2 at STP. At what pressure 
           the above gas will occupy a volume of 300 cm3 at 270C                             2

         3.3   What is the refractive index of a medium? 2


          Which type of defect of vision is rectified by a convex lens?

         3.4   Two resistances r1 and r2 when connected separately to the same potential 
               difference, it was seen that the current flowing through r1 was six times the 
               current flowing through r2. Determine the ration of r1 and r2

         3.5 How did the Kossel explain the formation of ionic bond?


          Liquid hydrogen chloride cannot conduct electricity, but molten sodium chloride
          can conduct electricity- explain.

         3.6  Distinguish between sodium chloride and naphthalene by two physical 

         3.7 Between two aqueous solutions, one is ferric chloride and the other is aluminum 
              chloride. How would you identify the ferric chloride solution using aqueous 
               solution of ammonia? Answer with balanced chemical equation.

         3.8 Why zinc blend can be called both mineral and ore of zinc?


          Mention two ways of preventing rusting of iron.

          3.9 Write with balanced chemical equation what happen when methane is burnt in 


          Mention one use of each of acetic acid and ethyl alcohol.

Group D

     4.     Answer the following questions (alternatives are to be noted)

         4.1    What is meant by molar volume of a gas mention two reasons for deviation of 
                real gases from the behavior of ideal gases.

         4.2  How many gram of Al is required to prepare 558 g of Fe by the reduction of 
              Fe2O2 with Al at high temperature? How many mole of Fe2O3 will be required 
              in  the reaction? (Fe=55.8, Al= 27, O= 16)                       2+1


By heating 32.1g ammonium chloride with calcium hydro oxide 10.2g NH3, 33g, CaCl2 and 10.8g H2O are obtained. How many gram of calcium hydro oxide take part in the reaction? How many mole of NH3 and How many litre of NH3 at STP, are formed in the reaction.      (N=14, H=1)

         4.3 Which quantities remain fixed in the definition of volume expansion coefficient
                 of a gas? Name a non metal which is a good conductor of heat.


What is meant by linear expansion coefficient of copper is 17x10 -6/0C? Why does the value remain n the same even in Kelvin scale?

         4.4  What type of mirror is used by the dentists? Why a ray of light does not deviate 
                as a result of refraction through a glass slab?

        4.5  When an object is placed 20cm away from a convex lens, no image is obtained 
               on either side of the lens. What is focal length of the lens?

         If the refractive index of glass with respect to air is 1.5, what is the refractive 
           index of air with respect to glass?


The length of an object is 5cm. an image of length 10cm is obtained when is placed at a distance of 2cm in front of a convex lens. What is the linear magnification and image distance?

           4.6  Write in brief the basic principle of hydroelectric power generation.

           4.7  A current of 1A flows when an electric bulb is connected to 220V main. What 
                 would be the current when the same bulb is connected to 110V mains?


Find the ratio of resistances for two bulbs of 220V-60W and 110V- 60W.

           4.8 Explain why a new element is formed by ὰ particle emission but no new 
                element is formed by y ray emission from a radioactive element    2+1

          4.9 Write down Dobereiner’s law of triads. Arrange Cl, Br, I, F in increasing order 
                of their oxidizing power


What is the importance conclusion of Mosley’s experiment? What is the importance of this conclusion in regard to periodic table?

        4.10   Write two differences between the conduction of electricity through a metallic 
                 wire and an electrolyte during electrolysis.

        4.11  Write the names of the chemicals used and balanced chemical equation in the 
                 industrial production of urea. 

        4.12   (A) and (B)are two unsaturated hydrocarbons, each containing 2 carbon atoms. 
               On reaction with bromine, (A) adds one molecule of bromine per molecule and 
              (B) adds two molecules of bromine per molecule. Write structural formula of (A) 
               and (B). Write balanced chemical equation of reaction of (B) with bromine?


          Write balanced chemical equation of the reaction of sodium hydroxide with 
            acetic acid.

          Which one between jute and polyethene is environment friendly for packaging 
           and why

Group E

(For External Candidate only)

     5.     Answer the following question: ( any four)                           1x4=4

      5.1 Give an example of a non conventional energy with the help of which electricity 
            can be generated.

       5.2  Write the SI unit of electric power.

       5.3    Which acid is manufactured utilizing catalytic oxidation of ammonia?

       5.4 At ATP an ideal gas occupies a volume of 273cm3. What volume will the gas 
             occupy at 76 cm.Hg pressure and at a temperature of 2730C?

       5.5 What is the functional group present in ethyl alcohol?

    6.     Answer the following questions: (Any three)                         2x3=6  

        6.1 What is superconductor?

       6.2 Mention one use of each of ultraviolet ray and gamma ray.

       6.3  Write the name and formula of one ore of iron.

       6.4 Write mentioning the product, how polymerization reaction of ethylene is carried 


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