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What is verb

What is Verb

types of verb

        A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence is called verb. It explains when the work happened either in present time or in past time or will happen in future. Along with noun it forms the main part of sentence of phrase. 

     جس لفظ سے کسی کام کا کرنا یہ ہونا ظاہر ہو اسے فعل (Verb) کہتے ہیں. یہ جملے میں کام کس وقت ہوا اسکی وضاحت کرتا ہے مثال کے طور پر موجودہ وقت میں ہوا، گزری ہوے وقت میں ہوا، یا مشتقبل میں ہوگا. اسم کے ساتھ ملکر فعل جملہ کا بنیادی ڈھانچہ تیار کرتا ہے.

1. I am going to school.
2. We are reading books.
3. You have done this work.
4. They are playing.
5. He is playing cricket.
6. She goes to school.
7. Adil has a pen.
8. Amir is a boy
9. Akram owns a car. 
10. Arman plays football. 

       In the above examples, one can recognize a verb by its location compared to the subject. Verbs almost and always come after a noun or pronoun. These nouns and pronouns are referred to as the subject. Verb am comes after pronoun I. Verb are comes after pronoun We. Verb has comes after noun Adil.

اوپر کے دئے گئے مثالیں جملے میں فعل کا مقام اور مضمون (subject) کے ساتھ کو ظاہر کرتا ہے.  فعل ہمیشہ مضمون (subject) یا ضمیر کے بعد لگایا جاتا ہے. ان اسم یا ضمیر کو مضمون (subject) کہتے ہیں. مثال کے طور پر فعل am جملے میں I کے بعد آیا ہے جوکہ ایک ضمیر ہے. فعل are جملے میں we کے بعد آیا ہے جو کہ ایک ضمیر ہے. فعل has جملے میں Adil کے بعد آیا ہے جوکہ ایک اسم ہے. 

Here is the category of verb to be in the different tenses.

یہاں کچ مثالیں ہیں جوکہ جملے میں فعل کے مختلف شکل میں استعمال کو دکھاتا ہے. 

First Person
I, We


Verb to be used.
Past tense
Present tense
Future tense
was, had
am, have
Shall /+be.
were, had
are, have
Shall /+be.

Second Person
You, they

Verbs to be used
Past tense
Present tense
Future tense
Were, had
are, have
Will /+be

Third Person
He, she, it, they, Rahim, Himalaya

Verb to be  used
Past tense
Present tense
Future tense
Was, had
is, has
Will /+be
Was, had
is, has
Will/ +be
were, had
are, have
Will/ +be
were, had
are, have
Will /+be
was, had
Is, has
Will /+be
Was, had
Is, has
Will /+be
Was, had
Is, has
Will /+be
Was, had
Is, has
Will /+be

 I was in Delhi.
 I had seen Taj Mahal.
 I am a good boy
 I have a car.
 I  go to school .
 I do homework everyday.
 I live in Kolkata.
 I Shall go to school.
 I shall be a doctor.

We were in Delhi.
We had seen Taj Mahal.
We are good boys.
We have a swimming pool.
We go to school.
We do homework everyday.
We live in Kolkata.
We shall win the match.
We shall be engineers.
You were in Lucknow.
You had visited Jaipur.
You are a player.
You have a car.
You go to school.
You live in Kolkata.
You will win the match.
You will be a doctor.

He was in multinational company.
He had played in Ranjhi Trophy.
He is a player.
He has a news.
He goes to school.
He lives live in Howrah.
He will win the match.
He will be a doctor.

She was in Howrah Girls school.
She had visited Jaipur.
She is girl.
She has a nice doll.
She goes to school.
She lives in Kolkata.
She will win the quiz.
She will be a doctor.

They were in Lucknow.
They had visited Jaipur.
They are players.
They have a car.
They go to school.
They live in Kolkata.
They will win the match.
They will be engineers.

Boys were in stadium.
Boys had a plan.
Boys are going to school.
Boys have their car.
Boys live in Kolkata.
Boys will win the match.
Boys will be successful engineers.

Boy was in stadium.
Boy had a plan.
Boy is oing to school.
Boy has decided to visit zoo.
Boy lives in Kolkata.
Boy will win the match.
Boy will be a doctor.
 It was a snake.
It is a cricket bat.
It has wooden handle.
It does a naughty job in roads.
It live in den.
It will rain today.
It will be high scoring match. 

Abu was in fifth standard.
Abu had visited Hawa Mahal.
Abu is a good player.
Abu has two eyes.
Abu goes to school.
Abu lives in Howrah.
Abu will pass exam.
Abu will be a doctor. 

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